The Make-A-Wish® Foundation has been changing the lives of children diagnosed with serious illness since its establishment in 1980. The cornerstone of the foundation’s vision is to find a way to grant the wish of every eligible child, and because of the dedicated efforts of all involved in this powerful organization, it is estimated that one wish is granted every 34 minutes. Against any odds or obstacles, Make-A-Wish® strives to make the world better, one important wish at a time.

When seven-year-old Isaiah Bates was referred to Make-A-Wish® Eastern North Carolina by another wish recipient born with Hypo-Plastic Left Heart Syndrome, the same heart condition that Isaiah bears, it didn’t take him long to come up with a plan. Although his mother suggested a trip to Disney World may be the ultimate kids’ wish, Isaiah had something else in mind – he wanted to meet Steve Harvey.
Isaiah LOVES Family Feud. His family watches the show all the time and plays both the card game and board game at home. Naturally, Isaiah is always the charismatic host that the games need. “Isaiah sees Steve Harvey as a superhero because he’s always making people laugh and Isaiah is our little comedian,” Isaiah’s mom shared. “He also loves Steve’s mustache and all his fancy suits. Isaiah loves dressing up in nice suits. He said it makes him feel like a man.”

Steve and the Family Feud team were thrilled to take a part in fulfilling Isaiah’s wish and welcomed him with open arms for a day of fun on the set in June. Isaiah’s mom, aunt, and brother kept him good company on this adventure, which included his first airplane trip!

The Bates family had a blast exploring the Feud set, practicing buzzing in, and spending time with the other man of the hour, Steve Harvey – and it’s safe to say that Isaiah gave Steve a run for his money in the style game. The family concluded their experience with a trip on stage during Feud’s live closing credits, where Isaiah and Steve shared a sweet moment, star to star.

Isaiah’s mother revealed how special this wish journey really was, thanking Make-A-Wish® and the Feud team, “Thank you so much for all that you all do! This has changed my life as well. We have been through so much and I’m so very appreciative of this experience.”

Elizabeth Van Huffel, of Make-A-Wish® America added, “We believe a wish experience can be life-changing… These kids have been through serious hardships, and wishes show that anything is possible. Wishes give kids like Isaiah hope and have an important and lasting impact on their lives.”

Isaiah’s mom seconded, “This experience showed us that dreams and wishes really do come true. Now Isaiah feels like ‘Anything is Possible'”! For more information visit